Season of Intentional Listening

Dear Restoration,

God has been gracious and kind to our congregation since its launch in 2017.  But the past several years have not been easy. The pandemic, political tensions, building acquisition, diocesan transition, and rapid growth have put us in an ongoing state of adaptation and change. It has been quite an adventure! After several months of discussion as staff and Parish Council, we believe that God is calling us to pause and enter into a season of intentional listening so that we might discern what he has for us next.

Our mission, values, and purpose will remain the same. We are not being motivated into this season by pressing problems or urgent decisions. We are Restoration: a place where God gathers up the broken fragments of our lives and, by his grace, makes us whole. We are committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Anglican tradition. His Gospel transforms us individually and corporately to glorify his name among the nations. 

But now, having been settled, we want to know: What does God have for us next? In support of this question, we will ask others: How might he call us to live more fully into our name and values? What are some favorite memories in the life of the church? What have been key areas of ministry, joy, and wonder? How has God most formed us? What are the gifts and passions we have received from him? What opportunities are in front of us? We are very excited to ask these questions together.

So, what does this season of intentional listening look like? The bulk of congregational listening will happen this spring with a few components: 

  • First, we are hosting two events for group conversation and listening. We hope that everyone who calls Restoration home has a chance to attend one of these events. We will celebrate and wonder aloud about the Lord’s work among us and anchor ourselves in a strong sense of who God calls us to be.

  • Second, we will add more contemplative pauses to Sunday Worship to foster space for spiritual listening.

  • Third, we are scheduling prayer services on May 1st and May 15th. We want to dedicate time specifically for gratitude and prayer.

The staff and Parish Council will spend the summer digesting what has been shared and heard. This may lead to additional areas of discernment to focus on.

We are excited to slow down, thank God for the past, and ask him about the future. We hope that by the end of this season of intentional listening, we will have a clearer understanding of where the Lord is leading Restoration. Thank you for being a part of this community. May you be blessed as we slow down and listen to the voice of our Shepherd! 

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rick

Listening Events