Photos from our 'Preview Season'

April to October in 2017 was a special time in the history of our church. This was the Preview Season, a time in which we raised awareness about Restoration, began serving our surrounding community, and held monthly worship services. Enjoy the snapshots below of our early events before the November launch.

Community Easter Service

Members of our church as well as those of the community were encouraged to grab their lawn chair and head to the Nokomis beach for a celebration of the new life offered by Jesus.


First Preview Service

Held in the multipurpose room of the Nokomis Community Center, our first Preview Service on Mat 21st was a special time for kids and adults alike. "Wow, this actually feels like a church!" many said.


Rick's Ordination to the Priesthood

After serving as a deacon for several years, Rick was ordained by Bishop Stewart Ruch to the order of priests. Friends from all over came to our sending church, Church of the Cross, for this special occasion.


Other Preview Services

Each month, we came together to give people a sneak peak of what our weekly services would look like. 


Community Events

Cheering on runners at the Twin Cities Marathon, celebrating important milestones with our kids, participating in Feed My Starving Children's food pack, and holding our own Strategy Meetings kept us busy.


Commissioning at Cross

Many of us from Church of the Cross were prayed for on October 29th, the Sunday before Restoration began weekly services. It was an emotional time of gratitude and anticipation for the works of the Lord.