We are a church seeking to walk in the restorative ways of Jesus. We invite you to join us as we consider together the deep love of God. Pathways are discussion-led classes where you can explore the values of our congregation, the power of faith, the joy of the gospel, and the Kingdom of God!


Three sessions offered both in the fall and spring.

A three-week welcome class designed for those new to Christianity, Anglicanism, and Restoration. We cover the essentials of life together in this community, dive deep into our core values, and welcome all your questions.

Attending Essentials is a prerequisite for membership.



One session offered in both the fall and spring.

Committing to Restoration. This class functions as the capstone to Essentials and covers what it means to commit to following Jesus within this congregation. We will focus on Anglican structures and the blessings of being a member of this local church.

Growing in Christ

An Anglican confirmation class

Tuesday evenings in the fall.

Commissioning the People of God. This class is intended for all who are committed to calling Restoration home. We’ll look at pillars of the Christian faith: the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Sacraments of the Gospel (baptism and communion). Whether you’re new to Christianity or have been a Christian your whole life, we hope this class strengthens your faith and bolsters your love of God.


Called to Maturity

Pursuing the deep and abundant life of Christ.

Four sessions offered in the spring.

Beginning with Jesus himself and echoed by the apostles, the call of the New Testament is an invitation to grow deep in spiritual maturity. Using biblical and sacramental themes, this class will paint a picture of God’s great love for you and how he desires that you grow in the richness of knowing him.

Registration will open in the spring.

Contemplation Cohort & Prayer Lab

Prayer takes practice. Gather with us monthly during the academic year to learn the rhythms of contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition, try out new spiritual disciplines, and encourage one another to follow Jesus.