Ministry Team Leaders
The Prayer Team prays for the needs of the church in various ways.
The Men’s Ministry connects men to one another for the purposes of fellowship and encouragement.
Men’s Ministry →The Women’s Ministry is led by Deacon Ashley May.
The Hospitality Team comes alongside the other ministries of the church to provide good food and kind service.
Ministry Support
In addition to leading the Preschool classroom, Elise also serves as the Administrator to the Children’s Ministry.
The Sacristan adorns the sanctuary according to the season of the church calendar.
The Facilities Manager oversees the maintenance of the church property and grounds by facilitating projects and liaising with vendors.
Lois oversees the safety onboarding process for all new volunteers in Restoration Kids and Youth and other teams requiring child safety protocols.
Assisting Clergy
Deacon Liz is Interim Director of the Family Leadership Network, part of Next Generation Leadership Initiative (ACNA). She assists with the liturgy on Sunday mornings at Restoration and other ministries of the church.