Worship Lab

Worship Lab is a series of events taking place over the course of the year that are aimed at drawing people out and inviting them to share things they love. They are all going to be experimental in nature, meaning we’ve got a general plan in mind for what we’ll do, but what actually happens during these events is really more in the hands of those attending– that’s where the lab element comes in.

All four of these themes are occurring in the Fall, but they will also repeat in the Spring-so if you miss one in 2024, there’s another chance in 2025.

  • Worship jam (August and January)
    Come join with fellow musicians as we play through some Restoration favorites. No band context experience necessary, just bring your instrument or your voice.

  • Art Share (September and February)
    Restoration is wealthy with artists and people who love and support the arts. This is an opportunity for us to come together and experience God’s creation through his people and gain deeper insights into what we as a community find beautiful, good, and true.

  • Songwriting Workshop (October and May)
    Come learn more about the songwriting process with some hands-on practice. Open to musicians, lyricists, and those who love to do both.

  • Psalm Singing (November and March)
    Come learn how to sing the psalms in community. This event is aimed at equipping Restoration to sing together in the context of worship as well as in family ministry. Open to all ages.

If you would like more information or to be notified when registration for these events opens up, please contact Pastor of Worship and Arts, Derek Boemler.