Restoring hearts to God

Embedded in the word restoration is a story. It's the story of something once loved, esteemed, and full of life, but for whatever reason, that honor faded. When someone is restored, their wounds are healed, and they are called into a place of purpose.

Restoration Anglican is a church in South Minneapolis rooted in God's word, steeped in the sacred traditions of the church, and expectant of God's movement. We believe that Jesus wants to restore our unraveled stories into the wholeness of God's story.


Sundays at Restoration

Sunday Worship

8:00 | 9:30 | 11:00
Gathering weekly for the ministry of Word and Table. Come and see the goodness of God.
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Our Rector

Rick Stawarz and his wife, Molly, have been partners in ministry throughout their marriage. Along with their vivacious children, they are eager to see God at work among the neighborhoods of Minneapolis.

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