Moving to Three Services on March 2nd

Dear Restoration Family,

As you know, we are running out of space on Sunday mornings. The sanctuary overflow seating is full, and we regularly close some of the children’s classrooms. What a great problem to have!

When you throw a feast in your own home and more people show up than you expect, what do you do? You probably set out more chairs, pull more food from the pantry, pour more wine, and extend the table.

Each week at church, the Lord prepares a feast for us. These days, he is bringing more people into his house and we are shaped by the his hospitality. And so, we want to make more room. We want everyone to feel welcome here, to encounter Jesus, and to have a spot at his Table. 

On March 2nd, we will shift to three worship services at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 to make more room at the Table.

This requires everyone’s help.

  • First, we’re sure the 9:30 will be the most popular. It will also be our most missional service simply because that’s when most newcomers will come. So, as an act of sacrifice and hospitality, we ask that you seriously consider attending the 8:00 or the 11:00. Every person who moves from the 9:30 creates space for someone else. 

  • Second, stick around. Stay afterward or come early and hang out in the Fellowship Hall. You’ll most likely see your friends from other services in the Fellowship Hall. Be intentional about connecting with folks there. 

  • Third, we still need more servers for Sunday Teams. Specifically, we need more greeters at the 8:00 and 11:00 services. Sunday Teams has always been a key ministry at Restoration; it’s the best place to meet others, learn about our tradition, and give back to our church family. Most people serve once a month at one service. We hope that everyone who calls Restoration home is on a team. To express interest and help out, email Carrie.

Thank you for being a part of what God is doing at Restoration. May we pause and thank God that people are encountering Jesus in his ministry of Word and Table. 

See you soon!
Fr. Rick