Dear Restoration,
I’d love to share the news from the Parish Meeting last week.
What's going on?
Three years ago, a dear, aging congregation gave us their building for one dollar. Why did they do this? Why did they entrust us with such a beautiful, valuable treasure? That congregation was thrilled by God’s work at Restoration. They saw us reaching the next generation for Jesus and wanted to equip us with a home base. They resonated with our value of missional hospitality and expected that we would use this kingdom resource to welcome those who need Jesus.
When we moved into the building in October 2021, our average Sunday attendance was 140 adults and children. These days, we are averaging 422 people on a Sunday morning. (MEA weekend’s attendance was 360, and All Saints was 518.) This means that within the last three years, Restoration has tripled.
Life is bustling. This fall, we laughed and danced at our first hootenanny, we asked questions about justice and mercy in the area of incarceration, we explored pillars of faith in adult and youth confirmation, we judged chili, we baptized eleven children into the household of God, we explored chant and Psalm singing, we encouraged parents in their household discipleship, and much, much more. Out of his abundant grace, God is allowing our congregation to grow in friendship, devotion, and mission.
Growing Pains
Unfortunately, Sunday Worship is running out of space. The nursery routinely becomes full and needs to be closed, and the other children’s classrooms are close to capacity. These constraints challenge our desire for the Children’s Ministry to be safe, relational, and engaging.
In the Sanctuary, we typically exceed 80% capacity. This implicitly communicates to newcomers that we are a closed community. Uncomfortable overflow seating has become the standard for guests. We are hospitable, welcoming people; however, our physical space tells guests that we are full.
I imagine this information churns up a mixture of emotions. On the one hand, we are humbled and thrilled to witness God’s work unfolding in front of our eyes. Each number represents a person whose life is being transformed by the regular rhythms of worshipping God in the Anglican way. On the other hand, like a parent remembering the past stages of their child, we miss some of the memories of earlier times. The complexity of these emotions is real and valid.
The Plan
So, how should we respond to this growth? How do we continue to steward the kingdom resources that others entrusted to us? How do we ensure everyone is welcomed, known, and wanted within this community? How do we reflect the hospitality that God radically demonstrates to us?
We believe that saying No to newcomers and guests is not an option. We want to extend the table and create more space for children and adults to encounter Jesus. And so, from March through May, we will shift to three worship services on Sunday mornings: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00.
But we need your help to pull this off.
The Needs
There are four areas of need:
I. Prayer Needs
No one on staff has attended a church of this size. We don’t have a template we’re following. Thankfully, other Anglican churches in the ACNA are experiencing this growth, too, so we’re not alone. But we need Godly wisdom on how to grow in a way that strengthens our mission and values.
II. Financial Needs
Admittedly, we don’t need a lot of supplies to add a third service. However, if you’ve looked at our financial report in the bulletin, you know we’re about $30,000 behind budget. In the long term, we want to increase the capacity of our staff so that we can ensure that everyone who calls Restoration their home is seen and cared for, especially children.
When thinking about your end-of-year giving, please consider Restoration, and as you plan for 2025, please also consider increasing your regular giving.
Manage Giving →
III. Service Needs
We need about ten more volunteers in the Children’s Ministry. If you join the Children’s Ministry, we ask that you serve one service, twice a month. Our Sunday Teams (communion servers, Scripture readers, Prayer Team Ministers, etc.) will need about 20 more people. The Worship and Arts ministry will also hold open auditions in January, so stay tuned for more details.
Email Emily →
Join a Sunday Team →
Email Derek →
IV. Community Needs
In keeping with this year's vision of Deep Nets, we offer many opportunities to go deep with one another and the Lord. So, in addition to Sunday mornings, find your group. When you get sick, who’s going to check in on you? Maybe it’s a Table Group, your Bible Study Group, Men’s or Women’s Morning Prayer, Worship & Arts events, Justice & Mercy events. You don’t have to attend everything, but please find your people, find your group. Who are you going to go deep with?
Explore Opportunities →
Moving Forward
I am so amazed by what God is doing here. Please pray for this church. May we continue to be a warm, nourishing home where all may encounter the restorative love of Jesus!
With hope and joy,
Fr. Rick