Deep Nets

Dear Restoration, 

It was a joy to be together last Sunday night, August 25, for ice cream and reflection on the upcoming ministry year. I am honored and humbled to be your Rector; thank you for your participation in the Season of Listening, your engagement in the parish meeting, and your openness to where the Lord leads us next.

For those who could not join us (and for those who desire a refresher), we spent the first half of the meeting listening to Luke 5, where Jesus asks the disciples to go into the deep, put down their nets for a catch, and anticipate future mission. As I have attended our gatherings, prayed, and discussed the season of listening with the Staff, this passage has come to mind again and again as a picture of the charge for our congregation. We have an opportunity, and an invitation, to go deep with one another and to go deep with Jesus this year. In order to do so, we need to build “Deep Nets” —intentional spaces that facilitate maturity and depth. It became clear to me that this step is necessary before we consider the future mission of planting another church in the Twin Cities Metro.

In the second half of the meeting, the Staff previewed a variety of events, classes, and opportunities for us to go deep with Jesus and go deep with one another. These Deep Nets efforts are offered in a spirit of experimentation—we know that some will bear fruit, while others may not. We can’t wait to see how the Lord meets us in the process. 

To list the full slate of offerings this Fall would risk overwhelming (and lengthening!) this email, but I encourage you to visit Church Center for a full look at our event calendar. If you do not have Church Center on your phone or desktop, please visit our website. Accessing Church Center and subscribing to (and reading!) the newsletter, will be vital as our parish events expand and grow.

As the opportunity to fill your Fall calendar grows, please keep this in mind: The most important Restoration gathering is weekly Sunday worship. Worshiping together on Sunday mornings is still our no. 1 priority. Any additional classes or gatherings are offered as a supplement and as an invitation—participate as you feel led, but not at the risk of overloading your schedule. Different seasons of life will call for different choices; the overarching question is which supports will help you follow Jesus faithfully this year. Where is Jesus calling you to go deep with others, and to go deep with Him? 

May you know the deep, deep love of Jesus afresh this year. Do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of the Staff with questions that arise. Let’s go deep together. 

Father Rick
On behalf of the Staff and Parish Council