
Updates from Brazil

Updates from Brazil

Our family went to Brazil this summer to visit a cluster of flourishing Anglican churches in the northeastern region of the country. We spent 10 days traveling to three cities and during our time in the northeast, we visited five Anglican churches, met with three bishops and got to know dozens of people involved in the growing Anglican movement in Brazil. Along with the churches, we were able to spend an afternoon at the Compassion Community Center in João Pessoa (to which Restoration sent this year’s Good Friday offering).

Who is My Neighbor?

Who is My Neighbor?

New Life Family Services (www.nlfs.org) honors the sanctity of human life by assisting clients in life-affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ. I joined the board several years ago because I resonated with New Life’s vision to “one day reach all abortion-minded and abortion-vulnerable individuals throughout Minnesota with comprehensive pregnancy-related services and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”