Good Friday Generosity

The practice of almsgiving is an important part of our Lenten journey. During this season, we remember that all earthly wealth is depreciating, and we look for ways to invest in the Kingdom of God, a treasury that is secure. 

At Restoration, we communally participate in this practice by taking up a Good Friday offering. In years past, we’ve supported Prison Fellowship in Guinea, earthquake relief in Syria, and a crisis pregnancy clinic in Minneapolis. This year, we are excited to partner again with the Anglican Relief and Development Fund. ARDF comes alongside local churches to invest in a wide variety of community development projects that proclaim Jesus in word and deed.

The specific project we’ve selected is a Community Center in the Brazilian diocese of João Pessoa. Due to long working hours for parents, many children and youth in this community are left alone, in unsafe conditions. Seeking to love these kids and their families, the diocese began a holistic ministry offering healthy meals, soccer and jiu-jitsu, medical care, general education, and vocational training. The ARDF grant will enable them to build a permanent space for this ministry and increase their capacity by almost 50%. You can read the third party feasibility report for this project here.

This June, the Johnson family is traveling to Brazil and has already been in contact with the bishop of João Pessoa about a visit. We will keep you posted on their trip so that you can be praying for them and upon their return, we’ll invite them to share what they’ve seen with the whole congregation. We have a lot to learn from these brothers and sisters! 

As we make our way toward Holy Week, please be prayerful about what you might contribute to this worthy cause. May we be known as a community that is rich toward God.