Lenten Generosity: Earthquake Relief

Dear Restoration, 

Each Lent, we take up a special offering for a ministry outside of our local congregation as a means of communally participating in the ancient practice of almsgiving. This year, in light of the devastating earthquakes in the Middle East, Restoration is focusing our Lenten generosity toward relief efforts in Turkey and Syria.

Getting aid to Syria is incredibly difficult, so we are prioritizing our giving there. We’ve already made a preliminary donation to Questscope, and our Good Friday offering will go to them, as well. Questscope was founded by Curt Rhodes, an attender of Restoration. It is a social development organization who’s been operating in the Middle East for over 30 years with a vision to “put the last, first.” They have a thousand Syrian staff and volunteers on the ground, making them well positioned to provide both immediate assistance and long term development. See a glimpse of their efforts here and here. Curt will share briefly on Sunday, March 12th about their work. After each service, he will give a more in-depth presentation in the Fireside Room. You can give online to our Good Friday fund or you can designate a check by writing “Good Friday” in the memo line.
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In addition to Questcope, there are a couple other ways we are supporting earthquake relief efforts. First, we are a monthly supporter of ARDF’s Joseph Fund, which proactively solicits contributions year-round so that when disaster strikes, resources are immediately available. The Joseph Fund has already sent $45,000 to local Turkish organizations providing pre-hospital first aid gear, search and rescue trucks, mobile hygiene units, medicine, diapers, and temporary shelter. If you would like to make a personal contribution to ARDF, grab a Mite Box from the Lenten Fair, fill it up with coins (and/or a check), and bring it back during Holy Week. This is especially great for households with kids. 

Second, our friend Sarah (name changed for privacy) has been living in Turkey since 2018, teaching English and supporting the local church. Though far from the epicenter, her city is seeing an influx of internally displaced people. Restoration has made a contribution to Sarah’s church, which is temporarily hosting thirty people made homeless by the earthquake. One of the guests recently said, “I really don’t understand why all of you are so kind to us. We were just worried about finding a place to stay, but God put us among the angels.” Sarah’s church is also sending groups of volunteers to villages in the earthquake zone that aren’t receiving the same kind of help as bigger cities; they’re bringing tents, warm clothing, and food. Reach out to me (molly@restorationmpls.org) if you would like to stay informed about these efforts.

The devastation in Turkey and Syria is incomprehensible, and they certainly need our financial support. But giving sacrificially is important for us too. The practice of almsgiving reminds us that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and all earthly wealth is depreciating. Do not store up your treasures on earth, Jesus commands us, because thieves break in and steal, and moth destroys whatever is left. So let us give generously to a treasury that is secure. Let us be rich toward God and train not just our wallets but our hearts to value Him and His Kingdom above all else.

Yours in Christ,
Molly Stawarz
Pastor of Mission