Who is My Neighbor?

This year, our Good Friday offering raised $7,087.45 for a new location of New Life Family Services. We asked Jessica Johnson, who's a part of our church, to reflect on why she chose to get involved with the organization.

New Life Family Services (www.nlfs.org) honors the sanctity of human life by assisting clients in life-affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ. I joined the board several years ago because I resonated with New Life’s vision to “one day reach all abortion-minded and abortion-vulnerable individuals throughout Minnesota with comprehensive pregnancy-related services and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The topic of abortion is front and center in our news today. Abortion can be polarizing and divisive but caring well for others doesn’t have to be. I was drawn to New Life after simply asking the question, “Who is my neighbor?” I reflected on how I could care well for my neighbor, be it my literal neighbor next door, a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, or a tiny unborn life. I knew that for many women, ironically the only choice offered from an economic perspective was abortion. I knew that statistically, more women of color facing an unplanned pregnancy have abortions than their white counterparts. I learned that many women choosing abortion already have children and cannot imagine making ends meet with another mouth to feed. I was compelled to volunteer with the organization after hearing client stories and considering the organization’s values. Very simply, “God is the author of life and has a plan for each life.”

My family and I will be participating in the Walk for Life on June 11, 2022, at Normandale Lake Park. Would you consider joining us for the event? You can register here and sign up under “Restoration Anglican Team.” Please join us, support us, and/or pray for the event. We look forward to celebrating life and serving our neighbors with you!

— Jessica Johnson