Building Logistics

Dear Restoration,

I have a grab bag of important topics to cover before we enter into the excitement of this weekend's Building Consecration and First Sunday in the space.

Work in Progress

You’ll notice that several elements of our building don’t feel complete yet. Walls are unadorned, furniture seems sparse, and modern lighting fixtures won’t be installed just yet. Some of these incomplete projects are small, and some are contributing to my sanctification and hair loss. Regardless, it seems very right to begin weekly worship in this space now. May we celebrate our transition, enjoy the fruit of our labor, and dream about how we may grow into this space. If you find yourself with some spare time on your hands in the next couple days, let me know, and I’ll put you to work. 


You’ll find a map with parking suggestions on our website. The main information I want to convey now is that Restoration owns the parking lot on the North side of our building. We lease it to the grocery store at a nominal fee, and you are at full liberty to use the parking lot for all church events. Additional parking is on Chicago Ave and side streets.

Air Quality and Masks

We have air purification units for all the children’s classrooms that will help maintain a safe and clean environment. While no purification system is perfect, we hope this gives families and volunteers an additional level of comfort in knowing that the classroom air is being constantly treated. Our Parish Administrator and the Parish Council are researching additional steps to provide even more cleanliness to our facility, and we will announce more details about this soon. In the meantime, we continue to uphold the CDC’s guidelines of masks being “recommend, but not required,” and we will have the HVAC circulation/filtration running at all times.

Can you believe this is happening? In the midst of global, national, and local upheaval of the past two years, God has given us the gift of a home. My prayer is that as we enter into this space, every individual among us may be drawn more deeply towards the God who makes a home for his people. See you this weekend!

Yours in Christ,