Our Team is Growing

Dear Restoration,

I have some exciting news to share with you that has been in the works for a very long time. We (the Parish Council and I) are posting two new job openings at Restoration.

The first is for the Children’s Ministry Director, which I suspect is not a surprise given that we’ve already announced Molly’s transition and Emily is serving as the Interim. We are now accepting applications.

The second role is for a full time Pastor of Discipleship. Jesus’ charges the the church to “feed my sheep,” and as Restoration continues to grow, so do the pastoral needs of our congregation. The Pastor of Discipleship will oversee many of the spiritual formation and biblical teaching ministries of our church and assist with Sunday morning sacramental duties. Having additional clergy at Restoration will be a huge blessing to our flock.

Please share these openings with anyone who you think would be a good fit. I’ll soon be forming hiring committees for each role and conducting interviews throughout the summer. Please hold this process and our church in your prayers, as each role is immensely important to the people and mission of Restoration.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rick