Resurrection Witnesses

We are joining with several other Anglican churches across our diocese with a new Sermon Series called "Resurrection Witnesses | Testigos de la Resurrección."

In the midst of grief and fear at the death of their friend, Mary and the other women find an empty tomb, a resurrected Jesus, and his joyful command to “go and tell the others!” Join us this season of Easter, as we come to Jesus with our own griefs and fears to become witnesses of the Resurrection to all peoples.

We will walk with Jesus as he uses simple, everyday practices to invite all people into his new life: he begins in prayer, listens, eats with others, serves others, and tells the story of God’s love for all people and all people groups and his plan to bring Resurrection life where there is death.

As we celebrate Easter and the coming of spring and summer when we can safely reconnect with others in our lives, we ask the Lord to ready us to go and tell others about how we have witnessed his Resurrection!