Guest post

Send Us Now Into the World in Peace

Send Us Now Into the World in Peace

This is an excerpt of this past Sunday’s sermon (re-formatted for the journal) that discusses how the liturgy of the Eucharist transforms our imagination for the Church to embody a “culture of peace” by the practice of “eating” a shared meal.

The lectionary passages from Sunday, July 18th, 2021 (Year B) were Ephesians 2:11-22 and Mark 6:30-44. From these readings, the sermon sought to explore how the themes of “peace” and “eating” are brought together in the Eucharist.

Introducing 'Common Prayer for Common Places'

Introducing 'Common Prayer for Common Places'

Everyday is sacred, and we learn to live more fully into this reality as we shape our day around God’s Word and times of prayer. Amidst our busy schedules, the never-ending to do lists, and persistent anxieties, we need rhythms to remind us of God’s presence. Thus, Restoration Anglican has created, The Book of Common Prayer for Common Places, a resource to aid in establishing rhythms of both Word and prayer into the practices of our daily lives.