Outreach during Covid-19: Caring for our Church (Part 2 of 3)

This post is Part 2 of 3 in a series describing Restoration’s response to the Coronavirus.


Last week, I encouraged Restoration to focus our response to Covid-19 with the following initiatives:

  1. Labor in prayer.

  2. Help those nearest to you.

  3. Serve the most vulnerable

There’s hardly a corner of our world unaffected by the rapid spread of Covid-19. Today, the NY Times is reporting that half of humanity is under lockdown. It seems that everyone, everywhere is in need of help. So why would we encourage you to help those nearest to you? Are we trying to shrug off our responsibility to love others as ourselves? No, absolutely not. Rather, we are recognizing that as finite creatures, we have limited emotional and material resources.

Compassion fatigue is real and with it, I feel a temptation to passivity. Perhaps, you do as well? What will my small acts of love and kindness amount to in the face of such a magnitude of suffering?

But I am heartened by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25. What are the actions of a Jesus follower? A drink of water or a meal given, some articles of clothing shared, and a visit for the sick and imprisioned. Furthermore, we serve a God who multiplies. When we offer to God whatever we have, however small and feeble an offering it may be, he can expand it in ways we can’t begin to imagine.

Over the past several weeks, I’ve loved hearing about all the ways you’re already serving those closest to you. Here’s a sampling, but I’m sure there are plenty of others.

  • Dispersing neighbor notes with offers of tangible help and prayers.

  • Writing encouraging chalk messages and creating uplifting yard artwork.

  • Recruiting a neighborhood network of volunteers to help with local needs through social media.

  • Using newfound free time to volunteer for a food pantry.

  • Looking for ways to connect with the lonely via Zoom and Marco Polo.

Many of you have also asked about helping those in our church family who have experienced a significant loss of income. Our Good Friday offering will be marked specifically toward this cause. So to those of you who can, please consider giving generously!

Finally, let’s remind ourselves that God is not limited like we are, and in prayer, we can ask him to move in mightier ways than we can imagine. Stay tuned for a prayer guide and prayer vigil next week!