God Works in the Diaspora


Dear Restoration,

Gov. Walz’s released expanded guidelines for churches last week, and I’d like to give a glimpse of what myself, the staff, and advisors are thinking the next few weeks or so will look like for Restoration. 

What's God doing?

Praise the Lord for his faithfulness and ministry during this season. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you’re transforming homes into chapels, leading your friend groups and families in prayer, and finding creative ways to bless your neighbors. We’re having fun in Sessions, praying the Daily Office, and holding Life Groups. Restoration formed and funded a Compassion Team, launched a Care Tree, and continues to resource parents to minister to children. We deeply long to regather, especially around the Holy Table, but in the meantime, God is moving in and through his Church.

Nearly a dozen people have signed up for our church’s mailing list in the past several weeks; and I’ve had conversations with new people who want to call Restoration their home, even though they’ve never physically been to a service. When we do regather, there will be new faces among us. 

Financially speaking, we're actually in healthy shape. While many in our congregations have had a significant loss of income, others have increased their giving, and we've even had several first-time givers. Therefore, we're on track to actually make our budget in spite of the pandemic. Wow!

Another sign of God’s movement is the provision of St. Peter’s first epistle to the Dispersion and the timing of it in our Sunday lectionary. If you’ve missed the sermons on 1 Peter, please visit our YouTube channel. That ancient letter has so many beautiful words that are are guiding us throughout the pandemic. Friends, we are the dispersed royal priesthood of Jesus Christ. Praise be to God!

So... what about Gov. Walz's update?

Well, Restoration's situation is both complicated and simplified by the fact that we are a church plant. We are not yet sure of when we’ll be allowed back at the Community Center, what the Park District's requirements of doing so will be, and whether or not those requirements will be feasible. Yet at the same time, we can simply unpack our church trailer anywhere —and have done so on several occasions. Leaders over the next few weeks will be discussing creative ideas for safely regathering. In the meantime, Restoration will continue with Home Liturgy and encourage those who are able to gather in groups less than ten. 

Is Communion coming?

If you saw my “Personal Update” email from Friday, then you know that our family will need to create some space this week to support Molly as she recovers from tomorrow’s surgery. I had originally hoped to offer some kind of outdoor Eucharistic services this week, but I’m putting those on pause so that I can have some extra energy to care for my bride and children. Thank you for your prayers and understanding.

I’ll share more information later, but please know that I am looking for ways to celebrate Eucharist that is theologically authentic and physically accessible to the whole congregation in these challenging times. (For those interested, feel free to see thoughts on this herehereherehere, and here.) Given the ever changing public health situation and lack of doctrinal precedence, this has been both strategically and theologically challenging. This present fast from Eucharist has been long, and I want us to return to the Table soon. 

Wrapping up

I realize this is a long email with not a lot of tangible news, but my hope is that you’re seeing my heart and desire to regather again. I am so grateful for your ability to minister to one another and those outside our congregation in spite of the ongoing crisis. Those who claim the church is closed are not paying attention. God is very much on the move in and through the Church!

In Christ, 