Pastoral Letter Regarding Riots at U.S. Capitol

A version of this letter was emailed to the congregation on the evening of January 7th.

Dear Restoration,

I’m writing urging you to join me in prayer tomorrow.

Yesterday, instead of witnessing a session of elected lawmakers who may disagree on many things come together to initiate a peaceful transfer of power, we saw them hunker down as people unlawfully interrupted and threatened what they were doing. I am distressed by the trespassing, vandalism, threats, provocation, and death within our Capitol. I am also distressed by the images of this mob carrying symbols of hate alongside symbols that are sacred to Christians. And the list can go on.

As a minister of the Church and the Lead Pastor of Restoration, I unequivocally condemn the violence, rioting, and use of Christian symbols that the rioters displayed while violating our Capitol. The Lord’s name should not be used to justify violent behavior or to glorify anyone other than Him. The Lord is not bound to a particular political party or person.

The layers of division and distrust are real and our nation and our communities have a long road ahead. However, we are not a people without hope. Nations rise and fall, but the Word of the Lord endures from generation to generation. Our hope is in the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Christ the King will come again. In the meantime, we press into our calling as ambassadors of His reconciliation. We reach out to all those in our community in a spirit of peace.

I urge you all to read this letter from our Bishop. In addition to his pointed words, he calls us to a day of Fasting and Prayer tomorrow. Please join me and others across our diocese in doing so.

Yours in Christ,