Summer at Restoration

Dear Restoration,

Welcome to “Ordinary Time,” the nearly six-month long season between Pentecost and Christ the King. I’d like to share some parish updates and resources as we begin this season together. 

Sunday Bible Passages

During Ordinary Time, the church’s Sunday lectionary brings us Jesus’ teachings from Mark's gospel. The Old Testament and Psalm passages always reinforce the theme of the gospel passage. The New Testament epistles follow their own track; we'll see 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, James, and Hebrews (in that order). Sermons for the next several weeks will be from 2 Cor.

In all this, we are encouraged in our “ordinary” life together as brothers and sisters redeemed by Christ, filled with the Spirit, and adopted by the Father.

Pastoral Office Hours  

The pastoral staff is here this summer, but our office hours are more limited due to vacations. This means that to meet with a pastor, you might need to check the office hours of multiple people. You must be signed into Church Center to view Office Hours. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call the church number: 612-712-1342.
Office Hours →

Summer Travels  

For those of you with travel plans, please try your best to attend the Sunday Worship service of a local congregation. If that's a challenge, I encourage you to consider praying Morning Prayer (BCP, p11) or Family Prayer (BCP, p67). For the Scripture passages, use the Sunday lectionary so that you can track along with Restoration (BCP, p725, Year B).
Get a BCP →

Season of Listening Continues  

Please continue to pray for the staff and Parish Council as we discuss and pray through all that was shared at our Prayer Meetings and Parish Gatherings. We want to hear God's voice as he continues to lead and guide Restoration. We'll have more to share towards the end of summer.

Other Items 

If you’re looking for ways to find God in normal, mundane aspects of life, consider ordering Julie Canlis’ tiny book, “A Theology of the Ordinary.” Julie is on staff at Trinity Anglican, one of our diocesan churches in Wenatchee, WA. 

Pastor Emily has sent the Summer Children’s Ministry schedule to parents.
View here →


Blessings to you all as you enjoy the warmth of God's provision and grace!

Fr. Rick