
A Season of Waiting

A Season of Waiting

My soul magnifies the Lord,” Mary rejoices after being blessed by her cousin Elizabeth, who received the Holy Spirit as the two women met each other in the house of Zechariah. All of Israel had been waiting for so long for the Messiah to come and set this people free from their captivity, a promise he made to their forefathers, and now the moment was here! Elizabeth’s baby leapt in her womb for the joy of it all. Mary was about to give birth to that long-awaited Messiah, Jesus.

The Unordinary Ordinary

The Unordinary Ordinary

I adore the Church Calendar, but let's be honest, 2020 has been a bad go of it. Lent was interrupted by a Pandemic. Holy Week and Easter were mediated through screens. Pentecost and Trinity was marked by injustice, hatred, and violence. The Season after Pentecost was the season of, “Don’t breath on me.” And most recently, the Feast of All Saints was marked by epic political division. It’s fitting to now conclude 2020 with prophesy and apocalypse. Let us descend into Advent.