
Liturgy for Home Blessing

Liturgy for Home Blessing

In the Christian imagination there is a profound sense of sacredness to the spaces we inhabit. A Home Blessing Liturgy intends to help us remember and reimagine that our common places are, in fact, places of holy habitation—sacred space that is set apart, where we ought to expect to encounter God in every room, at the table, inside the closet, and behind every nook and cranny.

Kenya, Your Home, and Work

Kenya, Your Home, and Work

Epiphany is the season in which we celebrate the Light of Christ spreading among the nations. As Epiphanytide progresses, pay attention to the Sunday readings which will tell the story of God the Father expressing love for all humanity, God the Son proclaiming the arrival of the Kingdom, and God the Spirit taking this good news to the gentiles. How will Restoration celebrate Epiphany this year?