From Garden to Garden

This post was written by Jessica Preston, one of our Ministry Residents. Jessica's devotional "From Garden to Garden" with accompanying Lenten Garden Materials can be picked up from the Fellowship Hall at our post-service Lenten Fair.

Lent takes place between the stories of two gardens. Behind us is the Garden of Eden and the promise that One would come who would crush the serpent's head; ahead of us is the Garden of Gesthemane in which we see the Promised One preparing for His ultimate sacrifice.

This is where we live in Lent: in the brokenness that sin has brought, and in the reality of what that sin cost our Savior. We mourn our sin even as we rest in the hope we have in Christ and prepare for Easter’s celebration.

As we look forward to Easter and the celebration of Christ’s victory over sin and death, we remember a third garden: the garden in the new heavens and the new earth, where the tree of life will once again be among us.

This year, as you journey through Lent, we would love for you to take part in building a Lenten Garden. Accompanying the garden is a once-weekly devotional that will guide us as we journey with Jesus toward the cross.

Throughout this devotional, we will follow Jesus as He heads to the cross, using Luke as our guide and seeing key aspects of Jesus’ ministry along the way. Even in the midst of His earthly ministry, however, we will witness Jesus again and again reminding us of His purpose and His coming sacrifice.

As you put together your Lenten garden, and work through the devotional, may this be a journey in which you travel with Jesus toward the Cross, remembering not only His great sacrifice, but also His great love.

We hope this devotional is a blessing to you as you prepare for the journey ahead.