VBS 2024: The Lost Things

At the end of June, the Children’s Leadership Team and 30+ volunteers executed Restoration’s second annual VBS. The theme was “The Lost Things” and it was such a fun and meaningful few days. Over 60 children were welcomed into a time of learning through the parables of Luke 15, songs, and activities.  

On the first day we met our friends in our gem-themed small groups and then were immersed in a skit: the story Jesus told about a woman who searches for her lost coin.  After noticing and wondering together, children were dismissed for stations where they practiced imaginative prayer, ate a good snack, played games, responded to the story through play, and memorized Scripture. Our big kids worked on memorizing Isaiah 40:11 and our little ones memorized John 3:16

On the second day, we helped the shepherd look for the lost lamb, Lilly! The children found the lamb before the shepherd did, and ecstatically helped him find her! Later, children continued to memorize their verses, practiced lectio divina, and created a “seek and find” bottle to bring home. We loved getting into the songs, The Story of the Cross, Every Move I Make, and Jesus Strong and Kind. It was a joy to be led in worship by Chris Gisler and Emily Krout who played and sang beautifully!

On the third day, we entered into the parable of the prodigal son. We witnessed together Jesus speaking to his friends and to the Pharisees about what it means to be found by a loving Father. Later in small groups, children practiced visio divina. It was wonderful to hear their observations.


Lastly, the kids went on a treasure hunt of their own. They followed clues hidden around the building ending in the balcony. Upon reaching the balcony they discovered a treasure box and within that box there were MORE treasure boxes, one for each child! Inside each child’s box was a photo of them, because THEY are the treasure God will never stop seeking after.

It is our prayer that children will know they are deeply loved by Jesus and that he will pursue them always, even if they find themselves far from home. 

I am deeply grateful for the volunteers, CLT, and staff for their work pouring in to the children over these special three days. The fruit from this VBS will continue to bless our community and families for a long time. 

Emily Collings