Outreach during Covid-19: Caring for our Church (Part 2 of 3)

Outreach during Covid-19: Caring for our Church (Part 2 of 3)

There’s hardly a corner of our world unaffected by the rapid spread of Covid-19. Today, the NY Times is reporting that half of humanity is under lockdown. It seems that everyone, everywhere is in need of help. So why would we encourage you to help those nearest to you? Are we trying to shrug off our responsibility to love others as ourselves? No, absolutely not. Rather, we are recognizing that as finite creatures, we have limited emotional and material resources.

Why Home Liturgy?

Why Home Liturgy?

In light of the global pandemic, many churches are embracing creative ways to worship together on Sunday mornings. Our pastoral focus during this season is to empower you, as the priesthood of all believers, to use this liturgy to lead worship in your home, be that for yourself, your family, or friend-group. This might sound daunting, but we think you’ll enjoy it. Please watch this video that further explains our vision.