The Music of Lent

The Music of Lent

Lent is a time to remind ourselves of our creatureliness, our need for the mercy, forgiveness, and help we can only find in the One who has ransomed us from our fallen state through His triumph on the cross: Jesus. To help us enter into time in this season, I’ve put together these two playlists…

Two Services in March

Two Services in March

You may have noticed that at Sunday Worship, the sanctuary feels a bit full. We regularly need extra chairs in the side aisle, additional rows of chairs in the back, and extra space in the balcony—and this is all during the winter months. While it’s nice to be full on Sunday mornings, part of living out our value of hospitality is helping visitors and newcomers feel welcome, which means that we need more space.

Election Day Prayers

Election Day Prayers

Good morning! As many of you are well aware, today is an important election day. I’m sharing with you three prayers to guide you as you pray for our city. The first is written by Laura C., our Prayer Team leader, and the the other two are collects from our Book of Common Prayer. May these be an aid for your personal, Spirit-led prayers throughout the day.