Enjoy these photos from Pentecost 2022!
Our Team is Growing
Many in This City
Announcing Membership
I’m so happy to share that we are offering membership at Restoration. Why now? Well as some of you know, we actually began designing a membership process a long time ago, but with all that’s happened these past couple years, we were never quite able to finish it. Now, with the tremendous help of the Parish Council and other leaders, we’re finally ready.
Who is My Neighbor?
New Life Family Services (www.nlfs.org) honors the sanctity of human life by assisting clients in life-affirming decisions with the love and compassion of Christ. I joined the board several years ago because I resonated with New Life’s vision to “one day reach all abortion-minded and abortion-vulnerable individuals throughout Minnesota with comprehensive pregnancy-related services and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Holy Week 2022 Rewind
Children's Ministry Covid Yearbook
Two years ago, during Holy Week of 2020, the Children’s Leadership Team created Holy Week Home Kits for families during the lockdown. This kicked off an epic season of reimagining what Children’s Ministry could look like in a pandemic. Recently, we asked our Children’s Ministry resident, Emily Collings, to reflect on how God led us through these strange times.